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  • 6. 8. 2022, 14:25 SylvesterNunley diskuse příspěvky vytvořil(a) stránku 10 Ways You Can Venti Genshin Impact Cosplay So It Makes A Dent In The Universe (založena nová stránka s textem „In order to make Venti Genshin Impact cosplay a reality you'll need some basic accessories. The white stockings and his lyre are necessary for the look, and the beret is an ideal finishing touch. But if you don't feel comfortable in either items, you can buy an afghan or a beret separately. Apart from the basics, you'll also need to purchase a hat to complete your look.<br><br>Venti genshin is a Bard<br><br>This Cosplay of the Genshin Influence hero,…“)